THE PORT OF EMDEN: Infrastructural binding
Foto: Infrastrukturelle Anbindung Emdens - Bahn: Bahnstrecke

Connection to the European railway system. All relevant berths are equipped with railway siding. Adjustable, modern ramps, suited for loading/unloading vehicles onto/from wagons, are located directly at our storage areas.
Foto: Infrastrukturelle Anbindung Emdens - Straße: Autobahnnetz

Emden is connected to the European motorway system via BAB 31 / BAB 28 and also via the Dutch A 7.
Foto: Infrastrukturelle Anbindung Emdens - Luft: Emder Flughafen

The airport of Emden is suitable for aeroplanes up to 14 mt MTOW.
Foto: Infrastrukturelle Anbindung Emdens - See: Seehafen

Informationen zum Seehafen(Information to the seaport)
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